Walton County, Georgia Horse Directory
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Cedar Hill Farms
4891 Old 138 Hwy
Loganville, GA 30052
Geogia Farmworks, Inc.Loganville, GA 30052
(770) 786-9567
1650 Mt. Vernon Rd
Monroe, GA 30656
Georgia Farmworks designs and installs all types and styles of farm fencing, including board, vinyl, woven wire, and electric. We also design, construct, and repair barns, run-ins, horse stalls, riding arenas, and metal roofs. In addition, provide pasture and paddock maintenance and upkeep with mowing, weed control spraying, fertilization, aerating, and seeding. We offer written up front quotes for all work if requested.
Georgia FarmworksMonroe, GA 30656
(678) 446-8520
Kentrc2@windstream.netGeorgia Farmworks designs and installs all types and styles of farm fencing, including board, vinyl, woven wire, and electric. We also design, construct, and repair barns, run-ins, horse stalls, riding arenas, and metal roofs. In addition, provide pasture and paddock maintenance and upkeep with mowing, weed control spraying, fertilization, aerating, and seeding. We offer written up front quotes for all work if requested.
1650 Mount Vernon Road
Monroe, GA 30656
Georgia Farmworks provides customized services to facilitate in the maintenance and growth of your farm or property. We design, build, and repair horse barns, run-in sheds, stalls, three and four board fences, no climb horse fences, electric fences, field fences, or any combination you need. We also provide consultation for pasture and paddock renovation and maintenance. We have references available as well as a diverse portfolio of our past projects. Whether you need help designing you dream property, don't have time to do the work yourself, or you just need someone to come in and handle it all, Georgia Farmworks has the experience and the resources to make your dream a reality.
Harmony Saddle FittingMonroe, GA 30656
(678) 446-8520
casey@gafarmworks.comGeorgia Farmworks provides customized services to facilitate in the maintenance and growth of your farm or property. We design, build, and repair horse barns, run-in sheds, stalls, three and four board fences, no climb horse fences, electric fences, field fences, or any combination you need. We also provide consultation for pasture and paddock renovation and maintenance. We have references available as well as a diverse portfolio of our past projects. Whether you need help designing you dream property, don't have time to do the work yourself, or you just need someone to come in and handle it all, Georgia Farmworks has the experience and the resources to make your dream a reality.
870 Fairplay Dr NE
Social Circle, GA 30025
Nancy Bardy is a qualified saddle fitter that specializes in onsite dynamic evaluation of horse and rider, wither tracing, and flocking. Nancy is not affiliated with any saddle company, so the evaluations are honest and unbiased. Contact us about setting up your personalized fitting today!
Heaven's Gate FarmSocial Circle, GA 30025
(770) 464-1015
(770) 714-1455
customfit@att.netNancy Bardy is a qualified saddle fitter that specializes in onsite dynamic evaluation of horse and rider, wither tracing, and flocking. Nancy is not affiliated with any saddle company, so the evaluations are honest and unbiased. Contact us about setting up your personalized fitting today!

Visit Heaven's Gate Farm's Facebook Page
1440 Old Monroe Madison Hwy
Monroe, GA 30655
(770) 207-4300
heavensgatefarm@att.netHeaven's Gate Farm is a small, family focused boarding and training facility in Monroe, GA. We're located about 10 miles north of Hard Labor Creek State Park on Old Monroe Madison Hwy.
Monroe, GA 30656
The Hiatt Farm is a hunter/jumper facility. Please call to set up a lesson.
Mighty Fine Equine(770) 823-4309
Marissabradley@bellsouth.netThe Hiatt Farm is a hunter/jumper facility. Please call to set up a lesson.
Social Circle, GA 30025
Wonderful horse farm minutes from I-20 offers boarding, training, lessons, trail rides, and Saturday & summer camps. We have miles of great wooded trails, lighted arena, 8 stall barn, hot/cold wash rack, tack room, A/C lounge, jumps, and barrels.
Sharon Church Stables(770) 464-0200
mightyfineequine@bellsouth.netWonderful horse farm minutes from I-20 offers boarding, training, lessons, trail rides, and Saturday & summer camps. We have miles of great wooded trails, lighted arena, 8 stall barn, hot/cold wash rack, tack room, A/C lounge, jumps, and barrels.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
Loganville, GA 30052
Full board includes: grain feed twice daily, 2-4 flakes of hay daily, pasture turnout, stall cleaning, 16 stall barn, full size riding arena, and pastures.
Silver Cloud Farm(770) 784-2300
thevoiceofisaac@bellsouth.netFull board includes: grain feed twice daily, 2-4 flakes of hay daily, pasture turnout, stall cleaning, 16 stall barn, full size riding arena, and pastures.
2200 Highway 81 South
Loganville, GA 30052
Full board, clean barn, daily turnout. All breeds, all disciplines, beginners welcome. Great family atmosphere. Owners on premises. Hunt seat and Western lessons.
Production FenceworksLoganville, GA 30052
(770) 554-0095
silvercloudfarm@comcast.netFull board, clean barn, daily turnout. All breeds, all disciplines, beginners welcome. Great family atmosphere. Owners on premises. Hunt seat and Western lessons.
Loganville, GA 30052
Our fence company specializes in professional horse fence and gate installation in Georgia.
(678) 873-3628
info@productionfenceworks.comOur fence company specializes in professional horse fence and gate installation in Georgia.
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