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Houston, Minnesota Horse Directory

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Doubletree Carriage Company
Houston, MN 55943
(507) 459-3546

Doubletree Carriage Company provides horse drawn transportation for all of your events. We specialize in your events such as weddings, proms, picnics, family get-togethers, funerals, and sleigh and hay rides. If you're looking for affordable family fun with a unique twist in beautiful Bluff Country, you've made it to the right place! We are located in the beautiful southeast MN corner in Houston County, 65 miles southeast of Rochester, MN, and 25 miles west of LaCrosse, WI, or about 130 miles southeast of the Twin Cities.
Hill Equine
Houston, MN 55943
(507) 459-3546

At Hill Equine, we provide a variety of professional equine services, including driving and despooking training in Minnesota. Please visit our website to get linked to our various services. Thank you for your interest!


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