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Kingston, New Jersey Horse Directory

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Hasty Acres
Hasty Acres
121 Laurel Ave
Kingston, NJ 08528
(609) 921-8389

Riding lessons at Hasty Acres are great exercise and fun for the whole family or anyone who just wants to get out and learn to ride. We offer riding instruction with our experienced riding instructors in one of our two outdoor rings or our indoor ring. We offer entry level through advance riding instruction at our facility. Our primary disciplines taught here are English, hunters, and equitation. If you board your horse with us, you can ride your own horse, or you can make use of one of our school/lesson horses. If you recently purchased a horse, riding lessons are a great way to build your bond and trust with your newest family member. We offer private and group lessons at very reasonable rates.

Summer Camp:
Weekly camps run from June 2010 through August 2010. Actual dates will be determined based upon requested enrollment this year since we had so many asking us to make our summer camp even longer. Our summer program is educational and fun.
Haderway StablesStitching Horse Saddlery
Kingston, NJ 08528
(609) 921-6854

Supplying the equestrian since 1985. Everything for the horse, rider and stable.


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