York County, Pennsylvania Horse Directory
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A Bit More Tack
334 North Main Street
York New Salem, PA 17371
Foxcote Show HorsesYork New Salem, PA 17371
(717) 792-9854
860 Dietz Road
York, PA 17402
Foxcote Show Horses is a full service training facility specializing in Arabian show horses. Our mission is to provide excellent service to our clients, whether your goal is to enjoy your first horse or to win a coveted National Championship.
Glory Gait FarmYork, PA 17402
(717) 324-2180
foxcoteshowhorses@yahoo.comFoxcote Show Horses is a full service training facility specializing in Arabian show horses. Our mission is to provide excellent service to our clients, whether your goal is to enjoy your first horse or to win a coveted National Championship.
Dover, PA 17315
Missouri Foxtrotter breeding farm located between Harrisburg and York, Pennsylvania. Quality Missouri Foxtrotters on the east coast.
Glory Gait Farmglorygaitfarm@juno.com
Missouri Foxtrotter breeding farm located between Harrisburg and York, Pennsylvania. Quality Missouri Foxtrotters on the east coast.
Dover, PA 17315
Small farm located in southern York County breeding quality Missouri Foxtrotters! Visit our web site and/or email for more information about our farm and breeding philosophy or for more information about this wonderful breed!
We breed for quality and not quantity. Our horses are carefully selected for excellent conformation, superb disposition, and smooth, natural gait.
We have limited horses for sale (our babies sell rather quickly). However, we can assist you in finding your perfect Missouri Foxtrotter!
Heritage Acres, Inc.(717) 870-5432
glorygaitfarm@juno.comSmall farm located in southern York County breeding quality Missouri Foxtrotters! Visit our web site and/or email for more information about our farm and breeding philosophy or for more information about this wonderful breed!
We breed for quality and not quantity. Our horses are carefully selected for excellent conformation, superb disposition, and smooth, natural gait.
We have limited horses for sale (our babies sell rather quickly). However, we can assist you in finding your perfect Missouri Foxtrotter!

Visit Heritage Acres, Inc.'s Facebook Page
270 Chestnut Grove Road
Dillsburg, PA 17019
(717) 432-2688
heritageacresinc@aol.comHeritage Acres is a full care equine facility in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, providing a wide range of quality service catering to the quality conscious horse enthusiast.

Visit Omega Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation Center's Facebook Page
8272 Woodbine Road
Airiville, PA 17302
(717) 862-3322
omega@omegahorserescue.comWe are a not for profit equine rescue. Omega offers rehab and adoption of rescued and neglected equines.
, PA 17019
Our beautiful private farm is located between Dillsburg and East Berlin in Adams County, PA.
We offer boarding, training, lessons in western, dressage, and jumping, breaking, and working with young horses. In the near future, we will offer horses for sale/lease, overnight boarding, and much more....!
Trainer/instructor is also traveling to your place to train you and your horse!
If you are looking for the right horse, we are also willing to help you to find the right one for you!
If you are trying to sell a horse, you are more than welcome to bring it to us, and we will take care of your sale.
- 5 acres, divided by 4 pastures
- Lighted huge indoor riding arena
- Outdoor riding arena
- 7 box stalls attached to the indoor
- 2 double size stalls for broodmares or big horses; 5 12x14 stalls
- Trails, trails, trails...
Riding Stable(573) 452-1616
nicolemcfarland06@yahoo.comOur beautiful private farm is located between Dillsburg and East Berlin in Adams County, PA.
We offer boarding, training, lessons in western, dressage, and jumping, breaking, and working with young horses. In the near future, we will offer horses for sale/lease, overnight boarding, and much more....!
Trainer/instructor is also traveling to your place to train you and your horse!
If you are looking for the right horse, we are also willing to help you to find the right one for you!
If you are trying to sell a horse, you are more than welcome to bring it to us, and we will take care of your sale.
- 5 acres, divided by 4 pastures
- Lighted huge indoor riding arena
- Outdoor riding arena
- 7 box stalls attached to the indoor
- 2 double size stalls for broodmares or big horses; 5 12x14 stalls
- Trails, trails, trails...
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors
699 Frosty Hill Rd
Airville, PA 17302
We do boarding, riding lessons, and day camps in the summer and winter.
Come ride with us! Board your horse on our 150 acre farm, ride our many trails, and use our indoor and outdoor arena.
Sapphire FarmsAirville, PA 17302
(717) 927-6023
muddycreekmeadows@yahoo.comWe do boarding, riding lessons, and day camps in the summer and winter.
Come ride with us! Board your horse on our 150 acre farm, ride our many trails, and use our indoor and outdoor arena.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
York Haven, PA 17370
Specializing in the black Arabian horse for halter, pleasure, performance and breeding. Quality black and homozygous black horses available, stallions at stud.
ScratchnAll(717) 938-8801
InquirySapphire@aol.comSpecializing in the black Arabian horse for halter, pleasure, performance and breeding. Quality black and homozygous black horses available, stallions at stud.
Cynthia Garry
PO Box 92
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Self-enriching scratching and grooming pad used by animals large and small. Made of silicon rubber. Mount flat or over a corner. All 4 sides interlock. Provides safe scratching for your animal.
I am also searching for a UK rep for large distributors.
PO Box 92
Dillsburg, PA 17019
(888) 972-7282
support@scratchnall.comSelf-enriching scratching and grooming pad used by animals large and small. Made of silicon rubber. Mount flat or over a corner. All 4 sides interlock. Provides safe scratching for your animal.
I am also searching for a UK rep for large distributors.
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